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네이버 전문자료 (52,774건) NAVER OpenAPI

A Study on the Impact of Abusive Supervision on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Turnover Intention by medium of Perceived Organ
The effects of parental monitoring and intrusiveness on addictive use of cellular phones: A seven-wave latent growth model analysis 본
The Effects of Abusive Supervision and Psychological Symptoms on Organizational Career Growth:A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived
A Study on the Effects of Abusive Supervision by Hotel Culinary Staff on Job Engagement and Turnover Intention 본 연구에서는 특
The Effects of Supervisor``s Abusive Supervision on Psychological Contract Violation and Organizational Silence in Hotel Industry 도
Mediating Effects of stress and Moderating Effects of Coworker Support on relationship between supervisor’s abusive supervision and s
A structural analysis of Customer Badness Behavior, Abusive Supervision on Job Burnout : Focused on Emotional Labor among Social Welfar
A Study on the Operational Performance and the Development Prospects to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Electronic Monitoring System
Redesign Proposal for the Governance Structure of the Korean Financial Supervisory Authority I. 서론=401,400,6 II. 금융감독
The Mediating Role of Job Burnout in the Abusive Supervision-Customer Orientation Relationship of Service Employees 본 연구의 목

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